

Foamgen requires following programs and libraries:

  • CMake version 2.8.12 or above

  • Python version 3.5 or above

  • packing-generation version or above recommended

  • Neper version 3.4.0 or above recommended

  • Voro++ version 0.4.6 or above recommended

  • binvox version 1.27 or above recommended

  • GSL version 2.3 or above recommended

  • Fenics version 2019.1.0 or above recommended

  • pythonocc version 0.18.2 or above recommended

You must ensure that these are installed prior to module installation. Recommended approach is to use conda when able. You can download miniconda here. Create environment and install available compiled dependencies:

conda create -n foamgen python pip
conda activate foamgen
conda install -c conda-forge cmake gsl fenics
conda install -c tpaviot -c conda-forge -c dlr-sc -c oce -c pythonocc pythonocc-core=0.18.2 wxPython

Other dependencies cannot be installed that easily. However, on Ubuntu 18.04, they can be installed using script:

sudo ./

Other operating systems and Linux distributions are not tested.


Install using pip as:

pip install foamgen

It compiles the package and installs the foamgen package and executable. If this fails on cmake compilation, you can check the Developer Installation for possible solution.