Getting Started with Foamgen

Input philosophy

The value of each parameter of the foam generation process is determined in the following way:

  1. The tool looks if the the value of the parameter was specified through CLI.

  2. If the parameter is not specified, but YAML config file is specified, it looks for it there.

  3. If not found, it takes the hard-coded default value of the parameter.

Using config file

The config file can be specified as:

foamgen -c config_file.yml

Getting help

All parameters and their default values can be viewed using:

foamgen -h

Basic workflow

The unstructured mesh workflow with default parameters can be run as:

foamgen -ptmu

Importing package

foamgen can also be imported as a python module. For example, to create sphere packing, following code can be run:

import foamgen as fg
cfg = fg.generation.parse_config_file('basic.yml') = True

where basic.yml is a valid configurational file. Such file can be found in examples directory.