Source code for foamgen.geo_tools

GMSH CAD support module
:synopsis: Manipulates ``.geo`` input files for ``gmsh``.

.. moduleauthor:: Pavel Ferkl <>
from __future__ import print_function, division
import re
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import numpy as np
    'point': 'Point',
    'line': 'Line',
    'line_loop': 'Line Loop',
    'surface': 'Plane Surface',
    'surface_loop': 'Surface Loop',
    'volume': 'Volume',
    'periodic_surface_X': 'Periodic Surface',
    'periodic_surface_Y': 'Periodic Surface',
    'physical_surface': 'Physical Surface',
    'physical_volume': 'Physical Volume'

[docs]def findall_top(regex, text): """Like ``re.findall``, but returns only top level group in list. Args: regex (str): regex patern text (str): text to search for patern Returns: list: list of all matches """ matches = re.finditer(regex, text) lst = [] for match in matches: lst.append( return lst
[docs]def read_geo(geo_file, plane_surface=True): """Read ``gmsh`` input file and extract geometry information. Uses regular expressions. Some geo files use Surface, some Plane Surface. You should specify what you want to read. Args: geo_file (str): input filename plane_surface (bool, optional): input file contains "Plane Surface" keyword Returns: dict: dictionary with read lines separated into points, lines, etc. """ with open(geo_file, "r") as text_file: text = sdat = {} rexp = {} rexp['point'] = r'Point\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{](.*?)[}][;]' rexp['line'] = r'Line\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{][0-9]+[,]\s?[0-9]+[}][;]' rexp['line_loop'] = ( r'Line\sLoop\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{]([+-]?[0-9]+[,]?\s?)+[}][;]' ) if plane_surface: rexp['surface'] = ( r'Plane\sSurface\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{]([0-9]+[,]?\s?)+[}][;]' ) else: rexp['surface'] = ( r'(Surface\s[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{]([0-9]+[,]?)+[}][;])' + r'(?!.*Physical.*)', ) rexp['physical_surface'] = ( r'Physical\sSurface\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{]([0-9]+[,]?\s?)+[}][;]' ) rexp['surface_loop'] = ( r'Surface\sLoop\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{]([+-]?[0-9]+[,]?\s?)+[}][;]' ) rexp['volume'] = ( r'Volume\s?[(][0-9]+[)]\s[=]\s[{]([0-9]+[,]?\s?)+[}][;]' ) rexp['physical_volume'] = ( r'Physical\sVolume\s?[(]["][a-z]+["][)]\s[=]\s' + r'[{]([0-9]+[,]?\s?)+[}][;]' ) for key in rexp: sdat[key] = findall_top(rexp[key], text) return sdat
[docs]def fix_strings(strings): """Remove negative signs (orientation) from loops. Used for OpenCASCADE kernel compatibility. Args: strings (list): list of line or surface loops in string format """ for i, line in enumerate(strings): strings[i] = re.sub('[-]', '', line)
[docs]def save_geo(geo_file, sdat, opencascade=True): """Save ``gmsh`` CAD geometry input to file. Input is a dictionary with prepared string lines. Args: geo_file (str): filename sdat (dict): characterized geometry in string format opencascade (bool, optional): prepend OpenCASCADE keyword if True """ with open(geo_file, "w") as fhl: if opencascade: fhl.write('SetFactory("OpenCASCADE");\n') for key in NAME_LIST: if key in sdat: for line in sdat[key]: fhl.write("{}\n".format(line))
[docs]def extract_data(sdat): """Extract ``gmsh`` geometry data read by :func:`read_geo`. Only coordinates are taken from points. Point sizing if any is discarded. Opposite of :func:`collect_strings`. Args: sdat(dict): geometry data in string format Returns: dict: extracted geometry data """ edat = {} for key in sdat: lines = dict() for line in sdat[key]: part = line.split("(") if key == "physical_volume": ind = part[1].split(")")[0] # ID of the element if ind == '"cells"': ind = 1 elif ind == '"walls"': ind = 2 else: ind = int(part[1].split(")")[0]) # ID of the element fraction = line.split("{") fraction = fraction[1].split("}") fraction = fraction[0].split(",") if key == "point": # point data consists of floats # ignore the optional fourth argument (defines mesh coarseness) fraction = np.array(fraction[0:3]) fraction = fraction.astype(np.float) for j, number in enumerate(fraction): if abs(number) < 1e-8: fraction[j] = 0 else: # other data consists of integers fraction = np.array(fraction) fraction = np.absolute(fraction.astype( lines[ind] = fraction edat[key] = lines return edat
[docs]def collect_strings(edat): """Convert extracted data to string format. Opposite of :func:`extract_data`. Args: edat(dict): extracted geometry data Returns: dict: geometry data in string format """ sdat = {} for key in edat: sdat[key] = [] if key == 'periodic_surface_X': for j in edat[key]: sdat[key].append( '{0} {{{1}}} = {{{2}}} Translate{{-1,0,0}};'.format( NAMES[key], j[0], j[1] ) ) elif key == 'periodic_surface_Y': for j in edat[key]: sdat[key].append( '{0} {{{1}}} = {{{2}}} Translate{{0,-1,0}};'.format( NAMES[key], j[0], j[1] ) ) else: for i, j in edat[key].items(): j = ','.join(str(e) for e in j) sdat[key].append('{0} ({1}) = {{{2}}};'.format( NAMES[key], i, j )) return sdat
[docs]def surfaces_in_plane(edat, coord, direction): """Finds surfaces that lie completely in specified plane. Plane must be normal to one of cartesian axes. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data coord (float): point on the chosen axis direction (int): order of coordinate axis Returns: list: line loops in specified plane """ points_in_plane = [] for i, point in edat['point'].items(): if point[direction] == coord: points_in_plane.append(i) lines_in_plane = [] for i, line in edat['line'].items(): if line[0] in points_in_plane and line[1] in points_in_plane: lines_in_plane.append(i) line_loops_in_plane = [] for i, line_loop in edat['line_loop'].items(): log = True for line in line_loop: if line not in lines_in_plane: log = False if log: line_loops_in_plane.append(i) return line_loops_in_plane
[docs]def other_surfaces(edat, surfs): """Find boundary surfaces, which are not in ``surfs``. Assumes that inner surfaces are shared by two volumes. Remove duplicates before calling this function. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data surfs (list): list of surfaces, which should not be returned Returns: list: boundary surfaces, which are not in ``surfs`` """ all_surfaces = [] for surface_loops in edat['volume'].values(): for surface_loop in surface_loops: for surfaces in edat['surface_loop'][surface_loop]: all_surfaces += edat['surface'][surfaces] count = dict() for surface in all_surfaces: if surface in count: count[surface] += 1 else: count[surface] = 1 surf = [ i for i, j in count.items() if j == 1 and i not in surfs ] return surf
[docs]def periodic_surfaces(edat, surfaces, vec, eps=1e-8): """Find periodic surface pairs in specified direction. Only linear periodicity is supported. Checks for surfaces with points offset by specified vector within a tolerance. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data surfaces (list): boundary surfaces vec (ndarray): offset vector specification eps (float, optional): tolerance Returns: list: periodic surface pairs """ surface_points = dict() # point IDs for each boundary surface boundary_points = dict() # dictionary with only boundary points for surface in surfaces: surface_points[surface] = [] for line in edat['line_loop'][surface]: for point in edat['line'][line]: if point not in surface_points[surface]: surface_points[surface] += [point] if point not in boundary_points: boundary_points[point] = edat['point'][point] # sort point IDs so that you can compare later for point in surface_points.values(): point.sort() # dictionary with ID of periodic point for each point that has one periodic_points = dict() for i, point in boundary_points.items(): for j, secondpoint in boundary_points.items(): if np.sum(np.abs(point + vec - secondpoint)) < eps: periodic_points[i] = j psurfs = [] # list of periodic surface pairs (IDs) for i, surface in surface_points.items(): # Try to create surface using IDs of periodic points. Use None if there # is no periodic point in specified direction. per_surf = [ periodic_points[point] if point in periodic_points else None for point in surface ] if None not in per_surf: per_surf.sort() # sort so you can find it # use ID of current surface and find ID of periodic surface psurfs.append( [ i, list(surface_points.keys())[ list(surface_points.values()).index(per_surf) ] ] ) return psurfs
[docs]def identify_duplicity(edat, key, number, eps): """Core algorithm for removing duplicities. User should call :func:`remove_duplicity` instead. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data key (str): type of geometry number (str): number type (float or integer) eps (float): tolerance Returns: dict: duplicit objects """ dupl = dict() if number == 'float': for i, item1 in edat[key].items(): for j, item2 in edat[key].items(): if i != j and i > j and np.sum(np.abs(item1 - item2)) < eps: if i not in dupl: dupl[i] = [] dupl[i].append(j) elif number == 'integer': for i, item1 in edat[key].items(): for j, item2 in edat[key].items(): if i != j and i > j and sorted(item1) == sorted(item2): if i not in dupl: dupl[i] = [] dupl[i].append(j) else: raise Exception('number argument must be float or integer') return dupl
[docs]def remove_duplicit_ids_from_keys(edat, dupl, key): """Removes duplicit IDs from IDs of entities. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data dupl (dict): duplicit objects key (str): type of geometry """ for i in dupl: del edat[key][i]
[docs]def remove_duplicit_ids_from_values(edat, dupl, key): """Removes duplicit IDs from values of entities. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data dupl (dict): duplicit objects key (str): type of geometry """ for values in edat[key].values(): for j, value in enumerate(values): if value in dupl: values[j] = min(dupl[value])
[docs]def remove_duplicity(edat, eps=1e-10): """Removes duplicit points, lines, etc. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data eps (float): tolerance """ # points dupl = identify_duplicity(edat, 'point', 'float', eps) remove_duplicit_ids_from_keys(edat, dupl, 'point') remove_duplicit_ids_from_values(edat, dupl, 'line') # lines dupl = identify_duplicity(edat, 'line', 'integer', eps) remove_duplicit_ids_from_keys(edat, dupl, 'line') remove_duplicit_ids_from_values(edat, dupl, 'line_loop') # line loops dupl = identify_duplicity(edat, 'line_loop', 'integer', eps) remove_duplicit_ids_from_keys(edat, dupl, 'line_loop') remove_duplicit_ids_from_keys(edat, dupl, 'surface') remove_duplicit_ids_from_values(edat, dupl, 'surface_loop')
# there are no duplicit volumes
[docs]def split_loops(edat, key): """Makes sure that line and surface loops contain only one loop. Surfaces and volumes with holes are instead defined in Surface and Volume entries, respectively. Needed because gmsh unrolls geometry in a way, which is unusable with OpenCASCADE kernel. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data key (str): type of geometry """ if key == 'line_loop': key2 = 'surface' elif key == 'surface_loop': key2 = 'volume' else: raise Exception('can be called only for line_loop or surface_loop') for i, item1 in edat[key].items(): for j, item2 in edat[key].items(): if i != j and set(item2).issubset((set(item1))): for value in item2: item1.remove(value) edat[key][i] = item1 edat[key2][i] = [i, j] break
[docs]def move_to_box(infile, wfile, outfile, mvol): """Moves periodic closed foam to periodic box. Uses gmsh, specifically boolean operations and transformations from OpenCASCADE. The result is unrolled to another geo file so that it can be quickly read and worked with in the follow-up work. Operations are performed two times. First for walls (first half of volumes) and then for cells. Save output to ``outfile``. Args: infile (str): input filename wfile (str): working filename outfile (str): output filename mvol (int): number of volumes """ with open(wfile, 'w') as wfl: hvol = int(mvol / 2) wfl.write('SetFactory("OpenCASCADE");\n\n') wfl.write('Include "{0}";\n\n'.format(infile)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1,-1,-1,3,3,1}};\n'.format(mvol + 1)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1,-1, 1,3,3,1}};\n'.format(mvol + 2)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1,-1, 0,3,3,1}};\n'.format(mvol + 3)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1,-1,-1,3,1,3}};\n'.format(mvol + 4)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1, 1,-1,3,1,3}};\n'.format(mvol + 5)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1, 0,-1,3,1,3}};\n'.format(mvol + 6)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{-1,-1,-1,1,3,3}};\n'.format(mvol + 7)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{ 1,-1,-1,1,3,3}};\n'.format(mvol + 8)) wfl.write('Block({0}) = {{ 0,-1,-1,1,3,3}};\n'.format(mvol + 9)) wfl.write('\n') wfl.write( 'zol() = BooleanIntersection' + '{{Volume{{1:{0}}};}}'.format(hvol) + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 1) ) wfl.write( 'zoh() = BooleanIntersection' + '{{Volume{{1:{0}}};}}'.format(hvol) + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 2) ) wfl.write( 'zin() = BooleanIntersection' + '{{Volume{{1:{0}}}; Delete;}}'.format(hvol) + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 3) ) wfl.write('Translate{0,0, 1}{Volume{zol()};}\n') wfl.write('Translate{0,0,-1}{Volume{zoh()};}\n\n') wfl.write( 'yol() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{zol(),zoh(),zin()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 4) ) wfl.write( 'yoh() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{zol(),zoh(),zin()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 5) ) wfl.write( 'yin() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{zol(),zoh(),zin()}; Delete;}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 6) ) wfl.write('Translate{0, 1,0}{Volume{yol()};}\n') wfl.write('Translate{0,-1,0}{Volume{yoh()};}\n\n') wfl.write( 'xol() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{yol(),yoh(),yin()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 7) ) wfl.write( 'xoh() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{yol(),yoh(),yin()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 8) ) wfl.write( 'xin() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{yol(),yoh(),yin()}; Delete;}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}};}};\n'.format(mvol + 9) ) wfl.write('Translate{ 1,0,0}{Volume{xol()};}\n') wfl.write('Translate{-1,0,0}{Volume{xoh()};}\n\n') wfl.write( 'zol2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{{Volume{{{0}:{1}}};}}'.format(hvol + 1, mvol) + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 1) ) wfl.write( 'zoh2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{{Volume{{{0}:{1}}};}}'.format(hvol + 1, mvol) + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 2) ) wfl.write( 'zin2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{{Volume{{{0}:{1}}}; Delete;}}'.format(hvol + 1, mvol) + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 3) ) wfl.write('Translate{0,0, 1}{Volume{zol2()};}\n') wfl.write('Translate{0,0,-1}{Volume{zoh2()};}\n\n') wfl.write( 'yol2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{zol2(),zoh2(),zin2()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 4) ) wfl.write( 'yoh2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{zol2(),zoh2(),zin2()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 5) ) wfl.write( 'yin2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{zol2(),zoh2(),zin2()}; Delete;}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 6) ) wfl.write('Translate{0, 1,0}{Volume{yol2()};}\n') wfl.write('Translate{0,-1,0}{Volume{yoh2()};}\n\n') wfl.write( 'xol2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{yol2(),yoh2(),yin2()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 7) ) wfl.write( 'xoh2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{yol2(),yoh2(),yin2()};}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 8) ) wfl.write( 'xin2() = BooleanIntersection' + '{Volume{yol2(),yoh2(),yin2()}; Delete;}' + '{{Volume{{{0}}}; Delete;}};\n'.format(mvol + 9) ) wfl.write('Translate{ 1,0,0}{Volume{xol2()};}\n') wfl.write('Translate{-1,0,0}{Volume{xoh2()};}\n\n') wfl.write('Physical Volume ("walls") = {xol(),xoh(),xin()};\n') wfl.write('Physical Volume ("cells") = {xol2(),xoh2(),xin2()};\n\n') sp.Popen(['gmsh', wfile, '-0']).wait() shutil.move(wfile + '_unrolled', outfile)
[docs]def create_walls(edat, wall_thickness=0.01): """Creates walls by shring each cell. Each vertex is moved by toward the cell centroid as: .. math:: v_n = v_o + w (c - v_o) where :math:`v_n` is new vertex position, :math:`v_o` is old vertex position, :math:`w` is the ``wall_thickness``, and :math:`c` is the centroid position. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data wall_thickness (float, optional): shrinking parameter """ volume_points = dict() # point IDs for each volume for volume in edat['surface_loop']: volume_points[volume] = [] for surface in edat['surface_loop'][volume]: for line in edat['line_loop'][surface]: for point in edat['line'][line]: if point not in volume_points[volume]: volume_points[volume] += [point] volume_points[volume].sort() centroids = dict() # centroid for each volume for volume in edat['surface_loop']: total = 0 for point in volume_points[volume]: total += edat['point'][point] total /= len(volume_points[volume]) centroids[volume] = total npoints = len(edat['point']) nlines = len(edat['line']) nsurfaces = len(edat['line_loop']) nvolumes = len(edat['surface_loop']) for volume in list(edat['surface_loop']): point_map = dict() # mapping of old points to new points nvolumes += 1 edat['surface_loop'][nvolumes] = [] for point in volume_points[volume]: npoints += 1 edat['point'][npoints] = edat['point'][point] + wall_thickness * ( centroids[volume] - edat['point'][point]) point_map[point] = npoints for surface in edat['surface_loop'][volume]: nsurfaces += 1 edat['line_loop'][nsurfaces] = [] for line in edat['line_loop'][surface]: nlines += 1 edat['line'][nlines] = [ point_map[edat['line'][line][0]], point_map[edat['line'][line][1]], ] edat['line_loop'][nsurfaces] += [nlines] edat['surface'][nsurfaces] = [nsurfaces] edat['surface_loop'][nvolumes] += [nsurfaces] edat['volume'][nvolumes] = [nvolumes] edat['volume'][volume] += [nvolumes] remove_duplicity(edat)
[docs]def restore_sizing(edat): """Add sizing info to all points. Adds fourth argument called "psize" to each point. Args: edat (dict): extracted geometry data """ for ind in edat['point'].keys(): edat['point'][ind] = list(edat['point'][ind]) + ['psize']
[docs]def prep_mesh_config(fname, sizing, char_length=0.1): """Create file specifying meshing parameters. Creates ``*UMesh.geo``. File will import ``*Morphology.geo``. Sizing specified at points, edges and cells and implemented through thresholds. Additional info about gmsh mesh sizing `here <>`_. Args: fname (str): base filename sizing (list): mesh size near points, edges and in cells char_length (float, optional): gmsh Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax """ sdat = read_geo(fname + "Morphology.geo") edat = extract_data(sdat) edges = r'{' + ','.join(str(x) for x in edat['line'].keys()) + r'}' with open(fname + 'UMesh.geo', "w") as fhl: fhl.write('Include "{}Morphology.geo";\n'.format(fname)) fhl.write('Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = {0};\n'.format(char_length)) fhl.write('psize = {0};\n'.format(sizing[0])) fhl.write('esize = {0};\n'.format(sizing[1])) fhl.write('csize = {0};\n'.format(sizing[2])) fhl.write(r'p1() = PointsOf {Physical Volume {1};};' + '\n') fhl.write('Field[1] = Distance;\n') fhl.write(r'Field[1].NodesList = {p1()};' + '\n') fhl.write('Field[2] = Threshold;\n') fhl.write('Field[2].IField = 1;\n') fhl.write('Field[2].LcMin = psize;\n') fhl.write('Field[2].LcMax = csize;\n') fhl.write('Field[2].DistMin = 0;\n') fhl.write('Field[2].DistMax = 3*csize;\n') fhl.write('Field[3] = Distance;\n') fhl.write('Field[3].NNodesByEdge = 10;\n') fhl.write('Field[3].EdgesList = {};\n'.format(edges)) fhl.write('Field[4] = Threshold;\n') fhl.write('Field[4].IField = 2;\n') fhl.write('Field[4].LcMin = esize;\n') fhl.write('Field[4].LcMax = csize;\n') fhl.write('Field[4].DistMin = 0;\n') fhl.write('Field[4].DistMax = 3*csize;\n') fhl.write('Field[5] = Min;\n') fhl.write(r'Field[5].FieldsList = {2, 4};' + '\n') fhl.write('Background Field = 5;\n') fhl.write('Mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary = 0;\n')