Source code for foamgen.tessellation

Tessellation module
:synopsis: Periodic domain weighted tessellation.

.. moduleauthor:: Pavel Ferkl <>
.. moduleauthor:: Mohammad Marvi-Mashhadi <>
import os
import subprocess as sp
import shlex as sx
import pandas as pd
from .geo_tools import read_geo, extract_data
from . import vtk_tools

[docs]def tessellate(fname, visualize, clean): """Use Laguerre tessellation to create dry foam. Uses `Neper <>`_ for tessellation. ``*Packing.csv`` must exists. Args: fname (str): base filename visualize (bool): create picture of tessellation if True clean (bool): delete redundant files if True """ number_of_cells = prep(fname) neper_tessellation(fname, number_of_cells) periodic_box(fname, 1, False) save_gnuplot(fname) if visualize: neper_visualize(fname) if clean: clean_files()
[docs]def prep(fname): """Prepare input files for Neper. Creates ``centers.txt`` and ``rads.txt`` files. Args: fname (str): base filename Returns: int: number of cells """ dtf = pd.read_csv(fname + 'Packing.csv') dtf['r'] = dtf['d'] / 2 dtf[['x', 'y', 'z']].to_csv('centers.txt', sep='\t', header=None, index=None) dtf[['r']].to_csv('rads.txt', sep='\t', header=None, index=None) return len(dtf)
[docs]def neper_tessellation(fname, number_of_cells, rve_size=1): """Run Neper tessellation module. Neper regularization is not available for periodic tessellations. Requires ``centers.txt`` and ``rads.txt`` files. Args: fname (str): base filename number_of_cells (int): number of cells rve_size (float, optional): domain size """ command = "neper -T \ -n {0:d} \ -domain 'cube({1:d},{1:d},{1:d})' \ -periodicity x,y,z \ -morpho voronoi \ -morphooptiini 'coo:file(centers.txt),weight:file(rads.txt)' \ -o {2}Tessellation -format tess,geo \ -statcell vol -statedge length -statface area \ -statver x".format(number_of_cells, rve_size, fname) sp.Popen(sx.split(command)).wait()
[docs]def neper_visualize(fname): """Run Neper visualization module. Requires POV-Ray package. Requires ``*Tessellation.tess`` and ``rads.txt`` files. Args: fname (str): base filename """ command = "neper -V {0}Tessellation.tess -datacellcol ori \ -datacelltrs 0.5 -showseed all -dataseedrad @rads.txt \ -dataseedtrs 1.0 -print {0}Tessellation".format(fname) sp.Popen(sx.split(command))
[docs]def save_gnuplot(fname): """Save tessellation in gnuplot format. Requires ``*Tessellation.tess`` file. Creates ``*Tessellation.gnu`` file. Args: fname (str): base filename """ sdat = read_geo(fname + "Tessellation.geo") edat = extract_data(sdat) point = edat["point"] line = edat["line"] with open('{0}Tessellation.gnu'.format(fname), 'w') as flp: for pidx in line.values(): flp.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format( point[pidx[0]][0], point[pidx[0]][1], point[pidx[0]][2])) flp.write('{0} {1} {2}\n\n\n'.format( point[pidx[1]][0], point[pidx[1]][1], point[pidx[1]][2]))
[docs]def periodic_box(fname, dsize, render): """Uses gmsh and vtk to move closed foam to periodic box. Requires ``*Tessellation.geo`` file. Creates ``*TessellationBox.stl`` file. Args: fname (str): base filename dsize (float): box size render (bool): render scene if True """ geo_to_stl(fname + "Tessellation.geo") vtk_tools.stl_to_periodic_box( fname + "Tessellation.stl", fname + "TessellationBox.stl", [0, 0, 0], [dsize, dsize, dsize], render )
[docs]def geo_to_stl(fin): """Convert ``*.geo`` file to ``*.stl`` file Uses ``gmsh``. Args: fin (str): input filename """ print("Converting .geo to .stl") cmd = sx.split("gmsh -n -2 -v 3 -format stl " + fin) sp.Popen(cmd).wait()
[docs]def clean_files(): """Delete unnecessary files.""" flist = [ 'centers.txt', 'rads.txt', 'generation.conf', 'packing_init.xyzd', 'packing.nfo', 'packing_prev.xyzd', 'packing.xyzd', ] for fil in flist: if os.path.exists(fil): os.remove(fil)